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Luke Forward logo 2009Luke Forward | May 19, 2011The United States Air Force announced this week that the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the F-35 active duty training mission at Luke AFB has been delayed until the fall. While this is not welcome news, Luke AFB remains well positioned to achieve our desired objective of securing the F-35 mission.

It is important to note that Luke AFB remains the preferred site for the F-35 active duty training mission. The revised release date for the DEIS is September 2011, with the public comment period occurring in October. The Final EIS is scheduled for release in January 2012, and the Record of Decision will follow in the March-April 2012 timeframe.

For those registered to receive e-mail, we will be contacting you in advance of the release of the DEIS to inform you of the next round of public hearings that are tentatively planned for October as well as opportunities for you to participate and continue to show your support. In the meantime, please continue to encourage friends, family and colleagues to sign up at We are 22,000 strong and growing!