From the Desk of Fighter Country Partnership,
It is very important that we explain how FCP supports the families at Luke AFB. The military doesn’t support individual families for many reasons. The most important reason is they can’t. Within the military, every individual and family must be treated the same. There are no biases, no favoritism and no special treatment due to circumstance. This is for the right reasons too. A perfect example of why FCP exists is to support the families of the fallen and injured at Luke AFB, because the base can’t. What would Luke AFB do if they support one family, and then had multiple other tragedies in the future; they would have to do the same for each. Let that be one of the responsibilities FCP assumes while Luke continues with its important mission of training the world’s greatest fighter pilots and maintainers.
While FCP can’t help individuals or individual families, we do help “categories” of airmen & those families. We support families of our fallen, deployed families, families re-integrating from deployment, families of E-5 & below, award winning families, families with special needs, military spouses, etc. That is how we support Luke AFB families.
For example, the Beautiful Women – Inside & Out Women’s Wellness Expo was directed at a group of individuals, our important spouses of the military. Operation Thunderbox supports our airmen deployed downrange. Chaplain’s Monthly Deployed Family Dinners supports those families back at home while our airmen are deployed. The examples go on and on of the categories we are proud to support.
We are also very proud to be working on another group to support within Luke AFB. While we haven’t locked in the logistics yet, FCP has identified many families through Luke that have children with Autism. This is another example of how FCP can work with unique resources within the community to assist certain families in need. If FCP is successful in their efforts, we will have the opportunity to support these families and improve their quality of life as we do for many others.
I know it has become a redundant statement, but it is our humble privilege each day to support these families. For the service they are providing our country, it is giving us our chance to provide our service for them.
Ron Sites
President / Executive Director
Fighter Country Partnership
Supporting the men, Women, Families & Mission of Luke AFB