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State and County Officials Adopt Settlement Agreement on Military Base Encroachment Issue

Seal of ArizonaFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Fighter Country Partnership) PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer, Attorney General Terry Goddard and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors today adopted an agreement to resolve a long-standing issue involving residential encroachment around Luke Air Force Base at a special meeting of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors held at the Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park.

“I’d like to thank key leaders and their staff who joined me in reaching this important resolution that the Supervisors adopted today, including Senator John Nelson, Attorney General Terry Goddard, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Senator John McCain,” said Governor Brewer. “It is a testament to our state officials who came together in a unified and cooperative spirit to uphold the health and welfare of our citizens, preserve the rights of property owners as well as the success of the State’s military bases. Our unified agreement will no doubt make clear to the U. S. Defense Department that Arizona stands ready for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter mission.”

“This agreement represents a major victory for the citizens of Arizona,” Goddard said. “It upholds state law, protects the health and safety of nearby residents and strengthens Luke’s bid for the F-35. It also shows what can be accomplished when a commitment to serve the greater good prevails over political and policy differences.”

The settlement agreement reached between the parties provides that the County will not issue building permits for new or expanded residential construction in high noise and accident potential zones.
“We always knew that protecting Luke was our common, unifying thread,” said Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Don Stapley. “But working together on this agreement, those bonds and communication are stronger. Those bonds will serve us well in the future.”

“The Governor has always been a strong supporter of Luke Air Force Base,” said Supervisor Max W. Wilson. “This agreement protects the base, its mission and its future. It gives Maricopa County taxpayers a measure of protection as well.”

Luke Air Force Base injects over $2 billion a year into Arizona’s economy.


Office of the Governor
(602) 542-1342
[email protected]

Steve M. Wilson
Attorney General’s Office
(602) 542-8351
[email protected]

Richard de Uriarte
Maricopa County Board
of Supervisors
(602) 506-7232
[email protected]

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