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Ron Sites

Ron Sites President and Executive Director Fighter Country Partnership

This is usually the opportunity I take to educate our partners, supporters and community about the great programs, services and unique experiences we have brought to the airmen and their families at Luke AFB.  But this time, I will not explain the Financial Saves Expo, Fiesta Bowl Parade, 56th Fighter Wing Annual Awards Dinner, Luke AFB Spouses Dining-In Event or the 2nd Annual Dorm Dweller Holiday Party and their respective successful outcomes.

What I will do is explain once again “how we make these amazing things happen”.  It is because of the great financial support we receive from the Arizona community “and” our golf tournament, that we can afford to bring programs and services to Luke families that enhance their quality of life.

As you can see, I kind of “singled out” our golf tournament.  Far and away, our Honorary Commanders Golf Tournament is our biggest revenue generator…and our only fundraiser.  One of the successful components of the golf tournament is our “Shock & Awe” raffle and silent auction. This is where everyone in the community can assist.

2014 FCP Golf Raffle & Auction OpportunitiesAs with every year, we solicit donations for the raffle/silent auction.  I often get asked, “how can I support?”…well here is probably the easiest way to support FCP while we create/implement/assist with programs and services for our military families.

$50 gift cards, travel vouchers, electronics, spa packages, foursomes of golf, unique experiences, hotel get-a-ways, sporting equipment, donated services, etc. You name it, we can find a use for it to assist with our event and mission.

Items can be provided to FCP in multiple fashions:  Contact us directly at 623-882-2191 and we will coordinate the pick-up, or simply mail it to our Post Office Box at 500 N. Estrella Pkwy Ste.B2 PMB 479, Goodyear, AZ85338.

2014 FCP Golf Sponsor Opportunities

The 5th Annual FCP Honorary Commanders Golf Tournament is June 6 at The Wigwam.  If you wish to participate and/or sponsor the tournament, details can be found on our website at as well.

To get deeper in tune with FCP’s recent events and accomplishments, get an update by visiting our website and subscribing to our monthly newsletter too!

As I have already “shamelessly” just asked you for donations, let me leave you with a great quote that drove me to the non-profit sector: “Giving creates a void the world rushes to fill.”

Good Stuff!

Ron Sites

President/Executive Director
Fighter Country Partnership
Fighter Country Foundation

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