Ron Sites President and Executive Director Fighter Country Partnership
At FCP, we take this time of year to prepare our strategic plan for 2014. To thoroughly complete this process, it is important to understand what has taken place over the last 12 months, so we take the time needed to identify all of the areas where we have directed our M.I.T. – Money – Information – Time. I am constantly amazed every year when we complete this task because it is an incredibly positive reminder to all of the awesome accomplishments we have achieved. Some items are routine while others are unique to an identified new area of need and FCP has filled the gap.
In total, FCP participated in more than 60 events targeting the Health & Human Services, Culture & Tradition and Mission Sustainability Areas from October 2012 through September 2013. We have also been a part of more than 30 Education, Awareness and Strategic Briefings to further FCP’s efforts in supporting the Men, Women, Families and Mission of Luke AFB. Every event is unique in its own way, and some much easier to accommodate than others, but all are rewarding because of what we get to bring to our military.
Whether it was the Luke Tune Up for Health Men’s Wellness Expo, Luke Summer Camps for Children with Autism, the FCP Family Swim Program, or a Chaplain’s Monthly Deployed Family Event; FCP’s ability to be invited to the table and assist the base with planning and logistics around a successful event is humbling in its own right.
There are not many non-governmental, privately driven civilian entities in our country that share a relationship with a military installation like FCP does. In my opinion (which is a little biased) there is no organization like FCP, and because of the successes we share, we accomplish things for our airmen and their families that no organization can compete with. In itself, that previous statement is something to be very proud of, but I am actually frustrated by it.
Every military installation in the country deserves to have an organization like FCP supporting it.
As Luke entered into its challenging budget situations associated with sequestration, FCP has been able to fill many gaps, and in a lot of areas, actually increase the services available. Other installations in the country don’t share that privilege. This example has been an important part of our messaging during our Education, Awareness and Strategic briefings we deliver.
When we sit down with Dick’s Sporting Goods, SRP, Sub-Zero, Empire Southwest, or University of Phoenix (and many, many other organizations) to educate them around the challenges Luke is facing, we present to them what FCP can accomplish. This leads to the support we need to assist the base in enhancing the quality of life for our Airmen, Sailors, Marines & Reservists at Luke. Luke always has the ability to care for its families, but together, we do everything we can to enhance their quality of life at Luke while serving our nation.
And as I summarize our efforts year to date, it is exciting to say 2013 has been great, and we anticipate 2014 being that much better.
Good stuff.